Recently, AMI was named a Hero of American Manufacturing by NIST/MEP (National Institute of Science & Technology/Manufacturing Extension Partnership)! NIST/MEP’s mission is to enhance the productivity and technological performance of U.S. manufacturing. The MEP National Network’s strength is in its partnerships. Through its collaborations at the federal, state and local level, MEP Centers work with manufacturers to develop new products and customers, expand and diversify markets, adopt new technology, and enhance value within supply chains. The MEP Program serves as bridge to other organizations and federal research labs that share a passion for enhancing the manufacturing community.
“Just being named a ‘hero’ was exciting enough for us,” says Kathie Leonard, President of Auburn Manufacturing. “But their awesome team of video crafters worked their magic to capture the core of what we do every day: we make tough textiles that resist heat and fire! It isn’t magic – it’s hard work. But it’s worth it to know our small team of Mainers help keep people around the world working safer! Here’s hoping you take 4 minutes to peek inside AMI!